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Registered: 08-23-2011

posted on 09-11-2011 at 09:49 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

The mechanics of blame is simple. Someone has harmed you in some way in your past. You feel hurt and angry, and that anger ultimately turns to hatred. You carry it around with you wherever you go. You have given someone permission not only to hurt you once, but to controlling your inner life. We become prisoners without hope of achieving of awakening and happiness for ourselves. This is how blame works in us, and why it is futile and destructive activity. Forgiveness is a tool to use to transcend the negative effects of blame.

It is very easy to blame other people in your misery. Blame runs rampant in our culture, and very likely it runs just as out of control of your mind. The lawsuit explosion is testimony to the unwillingness of most people to take responsibility for their own lives. You must be completely honest with yourself if you are ever to rid yourself out of blame. The way to begin is to take total responsibility for everything that you are in your life right now. Say to yourself, “I am the sum total of my choices up until this moment”. Everything that happened to you is a lesson you can be grateful for. Everyone who came into your life was a teacher, regardless of how much you choose to hate and blame him or her. This universe is working perfectly, including all the subatomic particles that make up you, and those you blame. It is all just as it is supposed to be.

“Hoppo” is an automatic method of forgiveness based on the Hawaiian technique “Ho'oponopono,” and is used to forgive everyone who played a part in painful episode.

You need to read it consciously from “Beginning of instructions” till “End of instructions”.

For example to forgive John you need to say:
John – Hoppo
John – Hoppo
John – Hoppo

Until you smile or ten times.

This procedure substantially enhances the relationship with that person, even if you are not in contact with him/her. It is better to use “Hoppo” processor together with “Merge”, “Clap” and “Execute It” processors in eliminating of negative emotions from your past. If you process a painful episode with one person, but suddenly recall yet another uncomfortable episode with the same person – just process that episode separately.

However, it is important to note that sometimes after processing an episode you may still be uncomfortable with it. For example, you processed the episode and the persons who played a part in it, but the conclusions, convictions, and beliefs created by this episode have not been processed. Because of that, if you analyze your feelings after the processing and you are still uncomfortable – look at your feeling, thoughts, convictions, and conclusions carefully – they may also need processing. All this mental waste can be processed – there are no exceptions.

You can also order the MASTER’s SOLUTION: “Sorry-Farewell” on for automatic forgiveness of all the people in your past and present.

With love and compassion,
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